Abdometer Core Training Device

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Abdometer Core Training Device

The Abdometer Digital Core Training System Device is an electronic device which claims it can help you tone and flatten your stomach, as well it can be used as a rehabilitation tool for people suffering from chronic lower back pain.

The system will not measure traditional abdominal exercise like situps, pull ups etc, it is designed to be use for a specific exercise called the pelvic tilt.

The device is placed underneath your back and will auto inflate to fit the cavity between your back and the floor. The device will beep on each correctly performed pelvic tilt exercise.

With the device it says you can do upto 20 different exercise routines.

The Abdometer have a variety modes including strengthening, toning, male or female settings and is easily adjust through electronic interface.

Though we have never heard of the pelvic tilt, it looks like it may work and will be much less strained to your back and neck compare to traditional sit up exercises. Having a device like this will ensure you will get the maximum potential through this exercise.

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